In the history of humanity, our bodies have never had to deal with the toxic load that they are faced with today. From the foods we eat, to the air we breathe, our bodies are being bombarded with toxins at an unprecedented level. That’s why it is so important for us to stay as organic as possible. CBD is so important, because we do not get any cannabinoids from the foods we normally ingest. There is a need for supplementation, not just with cannabinoids, but also with multivitamins and B12. Since we are living in a highly toxic environment, we need to be taking in higher amounts of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. We have to show daily consistency to truly see these compounds saturated into the blood levels. CBD is hands down the best herb for regulating imbalances.
We know that Genesis 1:29 tells us that every seed bearing seed of its own kind was given to us as meat. We know that cannabis is for human consumption, because of its seed. Then we see the plant mentioned by name in Exodus, when Moses is instructed to produce the anointing oil with ‘kaneh-bosm.’ The Egyptians used the plant heavily for beauty, cosmetics, priestly duties, and many other things. (textiles and such) It was from kaneh-bosm that Moses made a majority of his anointing oil.
Then we see in Ezekiel where the Lord promises to raise up a plant of renown that will take away the shame of the heathen and the famine. In order to take away shame, the brain must undergo a change. Cannabis changes the chemistry of the body in a powerful way. It produces food that is equivalent to what the body requires. Food from hemp is five times more nutritious than breast milk. It produces all kinds of textiles and clothes. It produces wood that is 20% stronger than a mature oak. The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper. Simply put, you can sustain an entire civilization off of the hemp plant alone. The hemp plant is unmatched by any other plant.